Friday, 28 June 2013


The world has really gone global. The visa card is accepted everywhere in the world. The card can be obtained easily at any branch of UBA. YOU DONOT EVEN NEED TO OPEN AN ACCONT AT THE BANK. All you need to take with you to any branch of UBA is your government issued identity card (your voters card is also accepted) and a utility bill.
The UBA Visa Prepaid card (Africard) is a debit card variant denominated in Naira and is pre-funded and re-loadable. It is internationally accepted in all Visa acceptance points (ATM, PoS & Web). Card holders do not need to have an account with UBA
Real time banking transactions
Balance enquiry
Purchase at Pos
Purchase on WEB
ATM Cash withdrawal
Pos cash Advance
Mini account statement
Card to Card transfer
WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE: Visa Prepaid is accepted at millions of locations worldwide.
Instant payment: Faster than writing cheque or running to ATM.
MAKES SHOPPING SIMPLE: Book travel and shop online in addition to making your everyday purchases fast and convenient.
Creates a simple convenient alternative to cash or debit card payments.
No need to open or have a bank account in order to have a Prepaid Card.
The card issuance process is simplified.
Provides better record keeping than cash (a history of transactions spent on the Prepaid Card is available on GTP card management system which is available on the internet).
Increase the feeling of security as the Prepaid Card holder remain in control of the card during transactions - a personal identification number (PIN) is used alongside the Prepaid Card as well as an SMS Text Alert is received in real time with the transaction placed.
Eliminates the need to carry large sums of cash.
When cash is lost or stolen, the money is gone forever and in most cases cannot be recovered. In the case of a lost or stolen Prepaid Card, the value on the cardholder’s account remains intact and can be transferred onto a replacement card or another Prepaid Card.
Allow for the non-banking population (non-account holders) to obtain a Visa Prepaid Card and become part of a financial world.
Debit card holders afraid of using their debit cards on the Internet for purchases may obtain a Prepaid Card which can be used solely for that purpose and is not linked to their domicile account.

goto.... and follow the instruction on the website
But remember that your must first "activate" the card on an ATM machine  by CHANGING YOUR FOUR DIGIT PIN GIVEN TO YOU ALONG WITH THE CARD . Then on the website address given above, your card number is the 10 digit number at the back of your card, and your passcode is the webpasscode given to you along with your card.
When buying on-line, make sure that you are using a secure website. Look for a green address bar showing the exact name of the company you are trading with and web address beginning HTTPS: one letter difference can mean fraud.
Never email card details to a company (or person) – they should have a secure web site.

Sign up For verified by visa offered by United Bank for Africa

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